Document Type : Research Paper



This study examined the role of social support on the prediction of mood and anxiety symptoms among Iranian and foreign students. In this study, some 139 students of Allameh Tabatabai University, 80 Iranian and 59 foreign, were selected as sample. The results of the study showed that:1- There was no significant difference between the two groups of foreign and Iranian students, in terms of the desired amount of perceived social support (p> 0.05)2- There was no meaningful difference between the two groups of Iranian and the foreign students in terms of mood and anxiety (lack of pleasure, public anxiety and aroused depression )(p> 0.05) 3- Social support are predicted by general depression, variables among the Iranian students (- .618 = β) (p <0.004 and F = 8.905). About 10 percent of the distribution of these variables predicted scores on social support. These findings showed that the person who possesses the desired and perceived social support more probably will get lower scores in the general depression. 4- Social support in foreign students is predicted by the lack of pleasure (-.915 = β), (p<0.001 ,F=11.997). These variables predicted 17% of the distribution of scores for social support. These findings showed how a person can get more perceived social support and desirable social support, it is likely that the lower the score achieved in the lack of pleasure. 5- Results of regression analysis showed that the aspects of social support explains that mood and anxiety symptoms are predicted by the Iranian Students' problem-focused emotional support. This variable predicted about 6% of the distribution of scores for mood and anxiety symptoms. This result showed that the person will get more problem-focused emotional support likely to earn lower scores on the mood and anxiety symptoms. 6- The results of regression analysis showed that the dimensions of social support is explained and that the mood and anxiety symptom of foreign students is predicted just by the daily emotional support. This variable predicted about 19% of the depression syndrome mood and anxiety scores. The result showed that the person will get more the daily emotional support likely to earn lower scores on the mood and anxiety Symptoms.
