Document Type : Research Paper


Faculty member of Amin University Women and Family Studies Research Group


Sciences Health care workers, especially female nurses, experience a great deal of psychological distress while caring for Covid 19 patients. Identifying the psychological problems of nurses that disrupt their mental health while caring for these patients and their coping strategies can help reduce their psychological distress. The aim of this study was to qualitatively investigate the psychological distress and coping strategies of female frontline nurses in Covid 19 disease. This research was conducted in terms of applied purpose and with a qualitative approach and phenomenological method. The research samples were saturated by selecting 20 female nurses (in two ranges of work experience of at least 5 years and 20 years and above) using snowball and targeted sampling. Video telephone interviews were used to collect data. Interviews were analyzed using thematic analysis based on the model of Brown and Clark (2006). Findings from the interviews were extracted and classified into six main themes: anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, fear, sleep problems and constructive strategies (sedation, self-adjustment, use of supportive resources). Based on the research findings, it can be concluded that female frontline nurses under the influence of Covid 19 disease have experienced various types of psychological distress and in addition to paying attention to their constructive strategies, the necessary measures should be taken in this regard and also attention to experiences.


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