Document Type : Research Paper


1 Research institute of Hawzah and University. qom. Iran

2 Quran and Psychology Department, Al_Mustafa International University, Qom,Iran

3 Department of Psychology, Semnan University. semnen.Iran

4 Research institute of Hawzah and University، qom. Iran.


"Forgiveness of spouses" is one of the effective factors in strengthening the foundation of the family. The aim of this study was to present the components of couple forgiveness based on Islamic sources. This research is in terms of descriptive-analytical method that by collecting, classifying and analyzing information from verses and hadiths to compile the components of "forgiveness of couples". In this study, the statistical population of Islamic sources including the Quran and hadith communities is ranked first and second according to the classification of the University of Quran and Hadith. Findings showed that the structure of "forgiveness" towards the spouse according to Islamic teachings has 8 components: 1. Positive secondary evaluation; 2. Paying attention to the effects of forgiveness; 3. Paying attention to the pleasure of God and the Ahl al-Bayt; 4. Compassionate and empathetic attitude; 5. Positivism and flexibility; 6. Love and expression of affection; 7. Self-control; 8. Prayers to God. The components of forgiveness among couples with an Islamic approach have wide spiritual dimensions and give a special place to spirituality compared to competing models. The findings of this study have provided a suitable platform for developing a scale and educational package for "couple forgiveness".


قران کریم
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