Atieh hajbabay ravandi; Parisa Tajali; Afsane Ghanaripanah; Mansooreh Shahriari Ahmadi
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a positive parenting program on general health and marital adjustment of mothers of children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The quasi-experimental research design was pretest-posttest and follow-up with the control group. ...
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The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a positive parenting program on general health and marital adjustment of mothers of children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The quasi-experimental research design was pretest-posttest and follow-up with the control group. The statistical population of this study included all mothers of students aged 7 to 11 years with ADHD (dominant hyperactivity) in the academic year 1401-1400 in Tehran. The sample size consisted of 30 people who were selected by available sampling method and placed in two experimental and control groups. A positive parenting program was implemented for the experiment group, while the control group did not receive any training. The research tool included the General Health Questionnaire (Goldberg & Hillier, 1972) and Dyadic Adjustment Scale (Spanier, 1976). The results indicated that a positive parenting program improved the general health and marital adjustment. The findings of this study provide a beneficial information about positive parenting program. Counselors and psychologists might practice these interventions to improve the general health and marital adjustment of mothers of children diagnosed with ADHD.
mahmood najafi; Ali Abas Kamari; Nasrolah Erfani; Nosrat Jafari; Ali Reza Pirkhaefi
Volume 5, Issue 19 , October 2014, , Pages 88-104
The current research was done in order to determine contribution of components of quality of veterans’ wives’ life in prediction of their children’s general health. in this purpose 300 families (wife and child) were selected by random cluster sampling method from veterans’ families ...
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The current research was done in order to determine contribution of components of quality of veterans’ wives’ life in prediction of their children’s general health. in this purpose 300 families (wife and child) were selected by random cluster sampling method from veterans’ families of Hamedan province and quality of life questionnaire was administrated among veterans’ wives and general health questionnaire(28 items) was administrated among their children. Extremely imperfect questionnaires were included and 298 Questionnaires were analyzed. The data were analyzed with Pearson correlation coefficient and stepwise regression method. The results showed that there is a significant negative relation between components of the quality of veterans’ wives’ life and their children’s Pathological symptoms. Also the regression analysis showed that emotional role, vitality, general health and wives’ social performance subscales have important and significant role in explanation of children’s general health. Totally, it can be concluded that giving suitable instruction and services and supporting veterans’ wives, who are responsible for lookout of veterans and upbringing children, are the most important factor to promote family health and their children’s health, specially. These results are useful in planning for counseling in order to promote health. Overall it can be concluded that providing education and relatede servises and support for veteran’s spouses, who have the role of care of veterans and education of children, can be considered as the most important promoting factor for family helth and specially children health. These results are usefull in planings counsulting for helath promotion.
leyla shokuhi amir abadi; alireza safavi
The purpose of this research is to investigate the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral group therapy in mental health and prevention of relapse in drug-dependent people. In this quasi-experimental study, 112 individuals who have started Methadone treatment in the two Drug-Abuse Treatment Centers in ...
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The purpose of this research is to investigate the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral group therapy in mental health and prevention of relapse in drug-dependent people. In this quasi-experimental study, 112 individuals who have started Methadone treatment in the two Drug-Abuse Treatment Centers in Tehran are divided into an experimental (56 subjects) and a control (56 subjects) group. The experimental group undergoes 12 90-minute sessions of cognitive-behavioral group therapy and the control group does not receive any particular treatment. All participants complete the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-28) and undergo urine tests for morphine at the beginning of the study, at the end of the cognitive-behavioral group therapy and two months after the completion of treatment. The data are analyzed using descriptive statistics, χ2, Post hoc test and multiple analysis of variance. The MANOVA data analysis shows a significant difference between the two groups regarding the mental health in the post-test stage (p<0. 001). χ2 test results indicate significant difference in the rate of relapse in the two groups (p<0.001). As a result, cognitive behavioral group therapy is effective in the improvement of general health and prevention of relapse in drug- dependent individuals.
mahmud najafi; solmaz dabiri
Soulmaz Dabiri The purpose of present study was to compare university student's general health with their academic achievement based on the degree of their loneliness. For this purpose, 214 university students (104 boys and 110 girls) were selected with random cluster sampling. The research instruments ...
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Soulmaz Dabiri The purpose of present study was to compare university student's general health with their academic achievement based on the degree of their loneliness. For this purpose, 214 university students (104 boys and 110 girls) were selected with random cluster sampling. The research instruments were loneliness scale and general health questionnaire.The Results showed that there is a significant difference between general health and academic achievement with consideration of the degree of loneliness. Participants with low and intermediate degree of loneliness had higher general health than participants with high degree of loneliness. Participants with intermediate degree of loneliness had higher general health than participants with high degree of loneliness.There was also a significant difference between somatic symptoms, anxiety, social dysfunction and depression's mean based on the degree of loneliness.
yaser reza pour mirsaleh; shahnaz reyhani keyvi
The Purpose of the present study was to investigate the interrelationship between religiosity, coping style and personality dimension and the role of these variables to predict general health of students. The study sample included 209 female students of economic college of Allameh Tabataba'i university ...
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The Purpose of the present study was to investigate the interrelationship between religiosity, coping style and personality dimension and the role of these variables to predict general health of students. The study sample included 209 female students of economic college of Allameh Tabataba'i university witch selected with cluster sampling model. Data were collected by means of ways of coping questionnaire (WOCQ), Islamic Religiosity Scale (IRS), revised NEO five factor inventory (NEO FFI-R) and General Health Questionnaire (GHQ) and then analyzed with statistical ways of correlation and regression. Regression analysis indicated that neuroticism, religious disorganization, religiosity and emotional-focus coping able to predict the significant percentage of variance of general health of students. Between religiosity and personality dimensions, only extraversion is significantly able to predict the rate of both emotion focus and problem-focus coping styles usage in students. Statistical analyses showed that consciousness is also able to predict the rate of and problem-focus coping styles usage in students. Regarding to these results, we can conclude that instructions to students to find meaning of their life and to strengthen religious beliefs can have great effect on their effective coping with stress and promotion of their 6 mental health. Also, regarding the effectiveness of instructions is necessary to let the mothers know how much bearing their personalities have on the way they cope with stress
sara parsafar; Kourosh namdari; seyed esmaiel hashemi; hosein ali mehrabi
Introduction: The aim of present study was to investigate the relationship among religious commitment, forgiveness styles, unforgiveness, and rumination with mental health in Esfahan University's students.Method: A sample of 200 students (only women) of Esfahan University was randomly selected to complete ...
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Introduction: The aim of present study was to investigate the relationship among religious commitment, forgiveness styles, unforgiveness, and rumination with mental health in Esfahan University's students.Method: A sample of 200 students (only women) of Esfahan University was randomly selected to complete the following questionnaires: the Religious Commitment Inventory (RCI), the Forgiveness Scale, the Transgression Related Interpersonal Motivations Scale, the Rumination about an Interpersonal Offense Scale and Health Survey. Data were analyzed using Pearson correlation and stepwise regression analysis.Results: The results showed that there is a significant relationship among mental health with religious commitment, forgiveness styles, unforgiveness, and rumination. The results found a significant relationship between rumination, revenge motive, social intentions, positive emotions, and age with mental health (P < 0.05).Conclusion: The results of this study showed that mental health has a significant relationship with rumination, age and especially internal commitment as a component of religious commitment. Therefore, providing proper basis so as to improve religious commitment, forgiveness ability and controlling ruminations, could lead to increase the students' mental health. Key words: Religious commitment, Unforgiveness, Forgiveness Styles, General Health